Eye-tracking-based Learning process to enhance reasoning and metacognition
The aim of this pedagogical and didactic tool is to support students/learners in the development of their reasoning skills and to improve their understanding of their metacognitive functioning during their training.
This tool was developed by HEdS-FR in partnership with HEIA-FR. It uses eye-tracking glasses to capture videos of practical training activities on which the precise gaze patterns of the users are displayed. During this recording, the trainer can mark key moments in the exercise.
These videos are then used by the students/learners in a program designed and developed to support their analysis of the activity and their understanding of the cognitive mechanisms at work during the situation. Objective data (metrics) on areas of gaze fixation are identified automatically and provided during the course to enhance the analysis.
In nursing education
The initial target audience is students studying for a Bachelor's degree in nursing at the HEdS-FR who, through simulation exercises, are required to structure and appropriate the practice of clinical nursing reasoning according to the model developed at the HEdS-FR, which incorporates the ABCDE approach.
In other disciplines
This learning system can be transferred to many other fields or courses of study:
- Activities requiring hypothetico-deductive reasoning
- Activities aimed at the conscious appropriation of systematic work processes
More information
Jean-Michel Vasse
Associate Professor UAS
Digital Health and Care Competence Center

Fitting and calibration of glasses on the student

Simulation using Eye Tracking equipment
The project submitted jointly by HEdS-FR and HEIA-FR to the HES-SO's Service d'Appui au Développement Académique et Pédagogique (SADAP) call for projects was officially awarded a prize on 08.04.2022.
Développement de la compréhension des mécanismes cognitifs des étudiant-e-s en simulation grâce
à l’utilisation de Eye Tracking : application dans les Soins Infirmiers et perspectives d'élargissement à
d'autres disciplines.
(Developing an understanding of students' cognitive mechanisms in simulation using
the use of Eye Tracking: application in Nursing and prospects for extending to other disciplines.
other disciplines)
The sum of CHF 100,000 has been awarded to help support the development of this educational innovation.
- Jean-Michel Vasse, clinical lecturer - HEdS-FR
- Alain Verdon, full professor - HEdS-FR
- Catherine Senn-Dubey, Co-Dean of Nursing - HEdS-FR
- Quentin Meteier, postdoctoral student - HEIA-FR
- Leonardo Angelini, Lecturer - HEIA-FR
- Elena Mugelini, full professor and head of HumanTech - HEIA-FR
Interview: discover EYE LEARN through episode 25 of “Les C@fés de l’INAS”.
We are delighted to share an exclusive interview carried out as part of "Les C@fés de l'INAS", a series of videos produced by the research team of the ARC Sim Pro project hosted by the University of Mons in Belgium.
In this episode 25, dedicated specifically to EYE LEARN, we share our experience related to our innovative tool. You will discover how eye tracking glasses integrated into our acute care simulations provide a unique learning experience, improving clinical reasoning and metacognition skills in students.
Whether you are a healthcare professional, a nursing student, or simply passionate about innovation in education, this interview offers you an in-depth perspective on the impact and benefits of EYE LEARN.
Your feedback and questions are welcome in the comments section of the video or through the contact address. Good viewing !
Congresses and symposia
The University of Mons and its Institut d'Administration Scolaire - INAS (Institute of School Administration) invited EYE LEARN as part of their ARC Sim'Pro Project.
The program is structured around the themes of simulation and eye tracking.
- Presentation: EYE LEARN: Understanding the cognitive process of simulation students
- Recording of an episode of C@fé INAS with Jean-Michel Vasse as guest
The abstract proposed by EYE LEARN has been selected by the ERC for a short poster presentation at the RESUS2023 annual congress.
This participation is a rare opportunity that will highlight the work carried out at HEdS-FR and HEIA-FR.
The presentation will be given as part of the "Education and Implementation (including simulation)" theme:
- EYE LEARN: Innovation pedagogical process using eye tracking in acute care simulation
Presentation: Jean-Michel Vasse (HEdS-FR)
DOI: 10.1016/S0300-9572(23)00723-2
The DigitalSkills@Fribourg project is a collaboration between the University of Fribourg and the HES-SO/Fribourg. It aims to strengthen and stimulate the digital skills of students, teachers and the institution.
- The training day Réalité virtuelle et augmentée: comment enrichir son cours avec l’apprentissage immersif? (Virtual and augmented reality: how can you enrich your course with immersive learning?) gives EYE LEARN a prominent place among the illustrations of the uses of eye tracking and virtual reality.
These themes will be developed and tested.
Moderators: Jean-Michel Vasse (HEdS-FR), Quentin Meteier (HEIA-FR), Elena Mugelini (HEIA-FR)
Part of the EYE LEARN team had the opportunity to present its concept at the Symposium de pédagogie des sciences de la santé (Health Sciences Pedagogy Symposium) hosted by the University of Geneva and co-organised by UNIL, CHUV, UniFR, CIS, HUG and UDREM.
There were two presentations:
- Plenary presentation: EYE LEARN: Eye-tracking-based Learning process to enhance reasoning and metacognition
Presentation: Jean-Michel Vasse (HEdS-FR) - Group workshop: EYE LEARN: Transposition in my activity?
Facilitators: Quentin Meteier (HEIA-FR), Alain Verdon (HEdS-FR), Jean-Michel Vasse (HEdS-FR)
Feedback were very positive and there was plenty of opportunity for discussion. Prospects for further development or potential partnerships are being considered.
Many thanks to the symposium organising committee and to Julia Sader in particular.
The DigitalSkills@Fribourg project is a collaboration between the University of Fribourg and the HES-SO/Fribourg. It aims to strengthen and stimulate the digital skills of students, teachers and the institution.
- The presentation Réalité virtuelle et augmentée: comment enrichir son cours avec l’apprentissage immersif? (Virtual and augmented reality: how to enrich your course with immersive learning?) gives EYE LEARN a prominent place among the illustrations of uses of eye tracking and virtual reality.
Presentation: Jean-Michel Vasse (HEdS-FR), Quentin Meteier (HEIA-FR), Elena Mugelini (HEIA-FR)
These themes will be explored in greater depth and experimented with during the full-day course on 30.10.2023.
This engineering conference specialising in eye tracking welcomed EYE LEARN with the presentation of a poster Late Breaking Work:
- Enhancing the Metacognition of Nursing Students Using Eye Tracking Glasses
Présentation: Quentin Meteier (HEIA-FR), Jean-Michel Vasse (HEdS-FR)
DOI: 10.1145/3588015.3590115
Following the Award of the Pedagogical Innovation 2021 by the Academic and Pedagogical Development Support Service (SADAP) of the HES-SO, the 2023 Innovation Day focused on the presentation of EYE LEARN with a double intervention:
- Plenary presentation:
- Méthodologie d’utilisation du Eye Tracking pour le développement de la métacognition des étudiant·es (Methodology for using Eye Tracking to develop students' metacognition.
- Presentation: Jean-Michel Vasse (HEdS-FR), Alain Verdon (HEdS-FR), Quentin Meteier (HEIA-FR)
- Mid-day stand
Presentation: Jean-Michel Vasse (HEdS-FR), Alain Verdon (HEdS-FR), Quentin Meteier (HEIA-FR) - Group workshop: Methodology for using Eye Tracking to develop students' metacognition: let's test and exchange ideas
Moderators: Jean-Michel Vasse (HEdS-FR), Alain Verdon (HEdS-FR), Quentin Meteier (HEIA-FR)
Organised by the Secrétariat international des infirmières et infirmiers de l'espace francophone (SIDIIEF), this world congress aims to highlight nursing expertise and its contribution to improving people's health.
As part of the oral presentations on the theme of training, the ABCDE approach was presented, incorporating training tools such as EYE LEARN:
- ABCDE: Une approche efficiente pour développer les compétences en raisonnement clinique (ABCDE: An efficient approach to developing clinical reasoning skills)
Presentation: Alain Verdon (HEdS-FR)
Following the Award of the Pedagogical Innovation 2021 by the Academic and Pedagogical Development Support Service (SADAP) of the HES-SO, the Pedagogical Innovation Day 2022 provided the opportunity to present EYE LEARN with a triple intervention:
- Short plenary presentation:
Presentation: Jean-Michel Vasse (HEdS-FR) - Mid-day stand
Presentation: Jean-Michel Vasse (HEdS-FR), Leonardo Angelini (HEIA-FR), Alain Verdon (HEdS-FR) - Group workshop: Using eye tracking to understand students' cognitive mechanisms
cognitive mechanisms
Moderators: Jean-Michel Vasse (HEdS-FR), Leonardo Angelini (HEIA-FR), Alain Verdon (HEdS-FR)
Short paper selected for the Late Breaking Work of the ACM Symposium of Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA) - 31 May 2023 :
- Meteier, Q., Mugellini, E., Angelini, L., Verdon, A. A., Senn-Dubey, C., & Vasse, J.-M. (2023). Enhancing the Metacognition of Nursing Students Using Eye Tracking Glasses. Proceedings of the 2023 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, 1 2. https://doi.org/10.1145/3588015.3590115

Observation and annotation of simulation

Interface objectifying the different areas of visual interest